måndag 29 augusti 2011

13/7 2011 Summer bows in the creek with Feskebloggen

Well ... we are entring the fall here in Sweden and I am looking back on some pics from the summer adventures. 13/7 went Oaklind Flyfishing and Emil Filipsson from Feskebloggen on an little trip to my secret creek for some wild rainbow fishing. It is small stream and as Emil prefers it; "where the Wind in the trees, birds chirping, water beads and the mosquitoes are as big as sparrows and chop as Mora knives in the back. Apart from that, watching the small rainbows frantically in the stream and smock itself increasingly as a bypass. Probably at some time far back in time slipped from a farm and had entered through a tributary". We had a blast and the fishing was good, the cigars tasted lovely and the friendship was great, as it should be with flyfishing.

I am hooking one of the wild bows in the creek!

This is what we came for.

A simple updated F-fly does the trick!

Emil with the biggest bow for the day, a lovely fish that striked twice.
A video that Emil has edited, there is one part that lacks of focus from the camera, I dont know what happend. Wild rainbow 

Tight lines/Calle

söndag 28 augusti 2011

27/8 2011 Lake fishing for bows!

Went to some small lakes with fishing buddy Gustav for some rainbowfishing. The rain was pouring down and there was some hysterical thunder and lightning on the way. But the sun was good to us and we had a great time. I forgot my camera but we managed to take some descent pics with my Iphone anyhow. My setup for the day was my old Hardy Princess and my new Sage Launch 9ft 5# rod. Boy, do that reel scream when a bow decide to take away... epic. The fly that worked best for me was a small size 16 black pupa. Returned one nice bow and lost one. Gustav managed to land one and lost one. Then the thunder and rain was over us again. A nice afternoon with a good friend, a cigar and some nice sandwiches.

The gear for the day!

I am realesing a nice bow, thanks for the take and the fight!
Tight lines/Calle

lördag 20 augusti 2011

20/8 2011 Vagabond Flybox Project!

I am part of a great project called "Vagabond Flybox Project" started by to great guys and fishermans (Joe Kayafas and Terry Edelmann) and had the 4 th box over here this spring. I didnt catch anything on the flies but they sure looks great. My good friend P-A Nilsson has it now and has cought a bunch of great fishes on it. Check out P-A:s pictures here:


Early spring and the box with my Hardy Princess copy and a South Bend fiberglass 6 pice rod

My fishing buddy Kristoffer Bergstand smoking a pipe and checking for rising trouts
 Tight lines/Calle

20/8 2011 Trout Box!

Just finished my survival troutbox, cant be without it!

The drie side!

The nymph side!
Tight lines/Calle

20/8 2011 Spinners

Tied up a bunch of spinners a couple of weeks ago, just wanted to share them for you. Very easy to tie and will work as small spinners and other insects as well.

Tight lines/Calle

fredag 19 augusti 2011

5/8 2011 Rainbow sneaking with the red bearded tall guy

Oaklind Flyfishing invited the "Mad Trout" Ulf Börjesson from Stenkullen(Gothenburgh) for some wild rainbow fishing in our creek. There was some fishes rising but then the rain was pouring down at us. We hope to get another session in the fall with Ulf. Thanks for a great day Ulf, you are always welcome back

Ulf is looking for some rising bows

One spotted and a perfect cast

Tight lines/Calle

måndag 15 augusti 2011

Blog up and running!

Well .. Oaklind Flyfishing has a new blogg and here you could follow us on our adventures.

Take care

/Oaklind Flyfishing crew